treatment approaches

and therapy tools

Don’t count play time as downtime, your child is developing the necessary skills needed to become a functional member in the community.

PROMPT, otherwise known as Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets, is a multidimensional approach to tackle speech production disorders, improve the oral-motor planning and relationship in articulation, and increase overall speech intelligibility. 

MPPT works with Go Feet Orthotics to help patients find the best orthopedic devices for their specific needs.

MPPT utilizes Galileo’s side-alternating vibration training boards. 

Serial Casting/Splinting is the process of applying and removing casts or splints to the arm or the leg to provide a gentle stretch.

MPPT we utilize 2 specific types of electrical stimulation TASES and NISE-stim to help each child achieve their goals.

is it for you?


What kinds of challenges do we specialize in treating?

At Mount Pleasant Pediatric Therapy our clinicians are compassionate and knowledgeable at working with children with all abilities.  It is important to MPPT that children are viewed as individuals and that their differences are not viewed as deficits, but rather an essential part of who they are. Our team fosters a supportive environment where milestones can be achieved to create a solid foundation for development.

Common developmental diagnoses that we treat are listed below. However, please note, that this list does not include all diagnoses. 

At MPPT we take a collaborative and holistic approach to treatment.



A unique therapy experience in which individual therapy is condensed to multiple, recurring days over a recommended number of weeks to address 1 to 3 goals intensively.

A sensory-motor group therapy program led by two skilled clinicians to provide an opportunity for children to interact with peers, while also refining pragmatic language skills.

MPPT’s “Mighty Munchers” intensive feeding program is 8 consecutive sessions, Monday through Thursday, two hours per day, facilitated by a certified Occupational Therapist and Speech Language Pathologist.

A unique part of the MPPT Team is our Clinic Companion, Olive.  She is a pure-bred AKC Certified Golden Retriever who supports and encourages our kiddos daily!