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Down Syndrome


What is Down Syndrome?

According to the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) ( Down Syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with Down Syndrome.

How does Down Syndrome effect my child's speech and language skills?

Children with Down Syndrome have strengths and challenges in development of communication skills, including receptive (understanding) language and expressive (speaking and composing sentences) language skills and reading. Every child is unique.

It takes a team to help children and adolescents progress well in speech and language; that team typically includes speech-language pathologists, physicians, classroom teachers, special educators and families.

A Speech-language pathologist supports the team members by developing and supporting the child's desire to communicate. Accessing all modes of communication while modifying your child's environment, an SLP can assist your child communicating his or her wants and needs in the most efficient manner possible.

Parents play an critical role in their child's speech and language development because home and daily activities are the core of communication.

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